Friday, December 09, 2005

Tips On Making House Work Fun

Tip #1: Realize how dirty your floor is. Mop the floor, leaving plenty of water on it. Realize that you can't leave plenty of water on the floor because your floor is tile and is very slick when there is water on the floor. Put a pair of socks on. Choose an old dish towel to put under each foot. Put on the Bee Gee's. Blast "Stayin Alive" while you slide around your apartment dancing and mopping up the excess water on your slick tiles. This is not only fun if your floors need cleaning, but it is also a great distraction if you are bored. AND it is guaranteed to make neighbors across the way think you are nuts as you go swooping by the window each turn around.


Blogger j said...

You're silly, and cute. :) Love, Jenny Erickson

4:14 AM  

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