Monday, October 10, 2005

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

I have gotten news directly and indirectly from the friends that I had in the danger zone. One had not made it in country yet, and the others house was shaken, but the entire team is in good health. Praise God they are all safe! One of them is traveling today to one of the hardest hit areas. There is great fear amongst the people...and this worker asks if you would intercede on their behalf with Isa. 41:10.
It is such a wierd thing..on one hand I just don't even want to think about the staggering number of lives that have been lost...forever, apart from Jesus. On the other I don't want to stop thinking about it, because this is a ear-splitting plea- that sounds louder than any "azaan"- to us all to pray on behalf of the people who survived but yet are still lost and still need the hope that only One can give. The phrase "a mighty fortress is our God" is running like a news ticker through my head. A fortress that no earthquake can shake.


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