Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cold Chicken and Mystery Cheese

That is the best thing to eat for a picnic lunch after hiking through a densely beautiful forest in Germany. My cousin was visiting for a few days and we went hiking on Saturday and Sunday. I have a new favorite place to visit. We heard about this "place" and got sketchy directions and set out for adventure, and we hit gold. There is a church that is 800 years old hidden outside of a small picturesque village..a village complete with rolling green hills, forests just like Oregon and...cows! To this country girl seeing a cow was a near spiritual experience and I am not even close to being Hindu. I felt like I had been picked up and set back in Oregon for a brief time. We hiked next to a creek that was screaming for me to wade in it but I resisted.
To carry on with my random thoughts I was thinking of sharing a couple of quotes with you that I have heard in the last few days. They may not grab you like they did me but hey if nothing else you can whip it out at a party and sound smart. (course that is sortove like plagiarism...)

"Nothing is more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit." -J.K. Rowling.
I think of myself sometimes in that context but more than anyone else I think of Jesus.

And the next one, one of my co-workers said last night during a meeting with my boss and my bosses boss and my bosses bosses boss (and I happened to be there). He said and this is as close as I can get to remembering - "Trying to obtain unity with tolerance (of everything) leads to (and/or is) apathy and NOT love." many people do you think nowadays have such a skewed idea of what love really is? I think if they were to define it, it would in fact look a lot more like apathy than Corinthian type of love.
Bis spaeter!


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