Thursday, November 24, 2005

Green Bean Casserole Day

I forgot in my last post a few minutes ago that I forgot to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I could be there, but I am glad I am here too. I miss you all. And this sounds really wierd but I even miss not working at Christian Supply for the day after Thanksgiving shopping madness. Hi Stoph and Chrissy! I miss my moms green bean casserole and my sisters yeast roles and chocolate dessert. I miss not being there for Laura's first Thanksgiving with our family. Ryan, do you realize it has been a year since our "sick" episode? P.Ving out my Jetta window on 1-5 on the bridge...ahh memories. You were a great brother that day. That covered over a multitude of mean things you have ever done to me. :-) I am forever ruined on pecan pie. I can't look at it without getting nauseous. By the way, if you are feeling at all sentimental DON'T listen to Relient K's song "Celebrate the Day." Especially if you know you won't be able to see the people you miss for another year. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.


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