Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Come Yarp Stroll with me

This is a series of photos taken in Chor., the area that I am attempting to start a work, blaze a trail, or create chaos in the spiritual realm, however you want to put it. Come join me!

-The building with the black cross painted on it is an evanglstc chrch in this community. It is frequently the target of vandalism. The reason that cross was painted there was to cover up the Islmc flag that is repeatedly graffitied there in that spot. It seems to go back and forth between the two figures. Which of course represent two complete opposites of the spiritual spectrum...

-The crescent and star on brick are the flag of Islm. You can see that when they can't get away with painting it on churches they will take any available wall space. This is on the U-bahn station wall.

-There is a huge Mslm immigrant population in the low-income, high rise apartment building of this community. Each of the satellite dishes you see on the balconies is satellite tv piped in from the Middle East.

-I thought this mosaic (though you may not be able to clearly see it) is really a good way to symbolize the make-up of Chorwlr. It is truly a mosaic of tribes, tongues, and nations.


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