Monday, January 16, 2006

Ich MUSS Deutschsprache sprechen

Today was my first day back in language school after a 5 week break. I must say that I am a little bit discouraged. When I look at learning this language with my human eyes it just seems so overwhelming. I got off to a slow start this morning and was having the hardest time even keeping up with some pretty basic stuff. I haven't been fully immersed in quite awhile. As the day went on (and many prayers were uttered) I started to understand more and was feeling pretty comfortable. We were sitting in a circle telling the class in turn what we did for Christmas, how we celebrated New Years, and what our resolutions were. I had it all prepped in my head, had a few key phrases written down that I wanted to include. And then it was my turn. I totally butchered the sentence that I had had running in "perfekt grammatik" through my head. I am not opposed to making mistakes in learning a language, that isn't the point. But when you know exactly what you want to say and you have been reciting it in your head and it comes out like it did...Lord please restore to me my sense of humor! I really need it.


Blogger j said...

It will be okay, just keep plugging along and making yourself try even when the chips seem to be down. YOU can DO IT!

12:55 AM  

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