Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Just say no to Eggs.

Is anyone else feeling the post-Holiday blah's? I am a little bit today. I hope you had a great Christmas though! I sure did. I went to Frankfurt with a family on my team and we had a good time with another family in Frankfurt on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning I slept in.
Things got a bit more interesting the next day. I somehow acquired food poisoning. I am not positive about the culprit but I am thinking it was either bad eggs, or perhaps bad mayo. Can we all just say..yuck? The question of the week is..Are eggs going to be added to my list of permanently banned foods? Will it join the ranks of cucumbers and pecan pie? I will keep you posted on this breaking news.
I was fairly pathetic on Monday and called various friends in America and none of them could bring me soup. I guess there is that whole flying across the ocean thing..
I think I am back to normal now though. As normal as I can be anyway.
It started to snow (and stick) on Monday and I was really bummed b/c I could barely move my head, much less go outside and enjoy the snow. But the temp dropped drastically and it snowed a bit more last night. It is pretty, but also pretty slick too. I was taking my life in my hands a few places at the Aachener Weiher. (The place pictured below). It is my second favorite place in the city to go running. No running there now though. More like waddling and slip and slidin'. Kindove like the duck.


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