Sunday, September 25, 2005

Let It Be......

My friend and co-worker came here on Friday for a meeting and stayed until today. I had a good time hanging out with him as he makes me laugh more than just about anyone I know. He then asked me if I would help him hi-light his hair! Yikes! It actually ended up pretty snazzy if I can say so. He downloaded this "file-sharing" thingy onto my pooter and I am really digging it though I am suspecting it can't be legal. Nothing this cool could be legal. I can't tell you what it is lest I become a stumbling block...however-I now have some good songs like "100 years" and Sweet Emotion at my disposal. What an amazing week. God answered two specific prayers I have been praying for for months, and even in the midst of some other not so good news I was truly able to worship and to trust. I am loving school and after 3 whole grueling weeks I get a two week break starting the first of October. Oh I don't know how I manage.
Has anyone heard the new Switchfoot album? How is it?


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