Monday, September 05, 2005

The Vision

At 4:08 am this morning I finished the latest book in the Harry Potter series. So now I am at a loss really as to what to read. Any suggestions?
I have been reading my way through slowly this book by U.K. author Peter Greig called The Vision/The Vow, but it is the kind of book you have to take in portions.
The last part of it is kindove cultish if you ask me (yeah I read the endings first sometimes, gotta problem with that?), the meat of the book is really powerful. I recommend it.
Anybody out there read any other Donald Miller books besides Blue Like Jazz? Thoughts?


Blogger j said...

I have read some really fun books in a series lately that you might enjoy. The Sisterchicks series written by Robin Jones Gunn is about women in relationship with each other and with God and they travel somewhere and have some funny escapades. Quick fun reads!

11:46 AM  
Blogger r cook said...

OOh, I have heard of those! I will see if I can get my hands on them here.

3:41 PM  

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