Thursday, September 08, 2005

whatever you want to call it

I had a really good time with God today and it was one of those times that just sortove took on a life of their own, not really planned or thought out. I would like to think that it was God "improvising" but I think I am enough of a Calvinist to acknowledge that that is probably not a very theologically sound way of looking at what God does..even though I think God would be an excellent jazz musician, and I don't even particularly like jazz music.
Anyway so tonight our team is having a grill party at Aachener Weiher, or the "uni pool" as I call it much to the dismay of my teammates. We are hoping to do some follow up w/ some of our summer contacts. Tomorrow night my roommate and I have two 11 year old girls coming over (co-workers kids) for a sleepover. I am already bracing myself for horrific things to be done with my hair, and my fingernails to look like they got puked on...but other than that I am looking forward to it. As long as I don't have to talk about boys. I am not allowed to talk about boys for another 1 year and 4 months. Not that I am counting or anything.


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