Monday, September 12, 2005

I will give the nations to you

Wotcher! (I love British slang!) When I went to London a few weeks ago, I tried my hand at a few it just doesn't sound the same with an American accent. But you can pretend I have a British one while you read this. (pull out your imagination and dust it off). If you want to know what that first word means, I recommend
. I am thinking of adding it to my links.
How are all of you? I have had an excellent last few days. The grill party was fantastic and I was able to entertain almost an entire park of Germans with my somewhat dodgy (look only at the very FIRST definition) badmitton skilz. Gruntin and ha-yah!ing did not help, I am afraid. I made some potential new friends, and got to talk about Harry Potter too, AND JESUS.
I also escaped relatively unscathed from the sleepover. No freakish hair or pukish nails. AND I was able to teach some valuable life skills to two very receptive young ladies: biting the ends off Twizzlers turns them into excellent straws. Note: be careful to discard said straw before it dissolves too is a bit messy.
I started my first day of language school today. Already I am seeing some potential relationships that could form. Or at least several of us were sortove strung out and feeling heavy headed as we left and we all had a famous time talking about it afterwards in the nearby shopping area. (I thought we may have bonded). This class is culturally amazing! (is that an actual phrase?) Literally it is a melting pot of nations. There is not one person who is from the same country in this class! Montenegro ( I think), Albania, Portugal, Spain, South America, American (me), English, Taiwan, Poland, Turkey, and there are more that I have forgotten.
As I flopped down on my bed this afternoon to rest a bit, I was hit wit the phrase from the song..."Ask and I will give the nations to you.." Well I don't remember asking for that many nations all at once- I will settle for one nation- but I guess this is just a good reminder that God's plans are always going to be bigger than mine! God, you are AWESOME.
** and sorry this is so long! :-)


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