Thursday, November 24, 2005

Green Bean Casserole Day

I forgot in my last post a few minutes ago that I forgot to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I could be there, but I am glad I am here too. I miss you all. And this sounds really wierd but I even miss not working at Christian Supply for the day after Thanksgiving shopping madness. Hi Stoph and Chrissy! I miss my moms green bean casserole and my sisters yeast roles and chocolate dessert. I miss not being there for Laura's first Thanksgiving with our family. Ryan, do you realize it has been a year since our "sick" episode? P.Ving out my Jetta window on 1-5 on the bridge...ahh memories. You were a great brother that day. That covered over a multitude of mean things you have ever done to me. :-) I am forever ruined on pecan pie. I can't look at it without getting nauseous. By the way, if you are feeling at all sentimental DON'T listen to Relient K's song "Celebrate the Day." Especially if you know you won't be able to see the people you miss for another year. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Making a Hot Shower Count

I am going on my 7th day with no heat and 3rd with no hot water. This is what I call creative living. The weather outside has been brutally cold too. Thankfully my stove top still works...I am getting to be a pro at washing my hair upside down in freezing water, and at gauging how much water to boil to mix with cold water so I can have a lukewarm bucket bath. But all is not lost! The repairman just left a few minutes ago. His diagnosis was succint and to the point: "deine heisse wasser (tank) ist kaput" In other words my hot water tank is dead. The hot water in the tank is what lets the pipes into my radiator fill with warm water and put out heat. He was kind enough before he left (I think he felt a bit sorry for me) to fill my tank enough for me to either have 2 hours of heat or a nice hot shower. I opted for the hot shower. Heat is fleeting but cleanliness can last a whole day.... I am not complaining mind you. I think these experiences serve as character building experiences. I have LOTS of character.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Come Yarp Stroll with me

This is a series of photos taken in Chor., the area that I am attempting to start a work, blaze a trail, or create chaos in the spiritual realm, however you want to put it. Come join me!

-The building with the black cross painted on it is an evanglstc chrch in this community. It is frequently the target of vandalism. The reason that cross was painted there was to cover up the Islmc flag that is repeatedly graffitied there in that spot. It seems to go back and forth between the two figures. Which of course represent two complete opposites of the spiritual spectrum...

-The crescent and star on brick are the flag of Islm. You can see that when they can't get away with painting it on churches they will take any available wall space. This is on the U-bahn station wall.

-There is a huge Mslm immigrant population in the low-income, high rise apartment building of this community. Each of the satellite dishes you see on the balconies is satellite tv piped in from the Middle East.

-I thought this mosaic (though you may not be able to clearly see it) is really a good way to symbolize the make-up of Chorwlr. It is truly a mosaic of tribes, tongues, and nations.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My feet are cold

Howdy. Billy Elliot was definitely an improvement on Knights Tale. Have you seen it? It is such a good coming of age movie. It is not for everyone. If you have a low tolerance for the "f" word you might want to steer clear.
I was bored and a little bit lonely last night so I decided to escape and watched Pride and Prejudice in the (only) English theater in my city. I love that movie. I think I was just probably in the perfect mood for an escapist chick flick. But I will say that now when I am praying about, and for my future husband he is no longer known as Mr. Preferable (aka. Mr.Right), he is known as Mr. Darcy.
It is beautiful around here these days. I love fall anyway but there are just some areas of this city that are breathtaking right now. I am gonna go out this week and take a few pics so you can ooh and aaaah with me. Right now I had better get back to my German vocab list I have to learn by tomorrow. Did you know that doofus is actually a form of the German word "doofen?" And yes it means the same thing.