Monday, October 31, 2005

Falafels are best eaten hot

So I have good news. According to the medical experts that work for my company I am at very low risk of contracting bird flu. Apparently if I practice good personal hygiene and don't touch dead birds on the street I should be ok. What a relief! I was worried. Moving I just finished watching A Knights Tale a few minutes ago. There is so much wrong with that movie. And the female character...Cool head feathers stuff..but she made me want to scream. I live alone now, so I could probably get away with screaming out loud for no good reason, but it is no fun to act nuts when nobody is around to notice, so I didn't.
Well..since I don't have to get up early I am going to go watch another movie. I will let you know if this one is an improvement on the last one. :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Odenthal & Altenberg Dom

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cold Chicken and Mystery Cheese

That is the best thing to eat for a picnic lunch after hiking through a densely beautiful forest in Germany. My cousin was visiting for a few days and we went hiking on Saturday and Sunday. I have a new favorite place to visit. We heard about this "place" and got sketchy directions and set out for adventure, and we hit gold. There is a church that is 800 years old hidden outside of a small picturesque village..a village complete with rolling green hills, forests just like Oregon and...cows! To this country girl seeing a cow was a near spiritual experience and I am not even close to being Hindu. I felt like I had been picked up and set back in Oregon for a brief time. We hiked next to a creek that was screaming for me to wade in it but I resisted.
To carry on with my random thoughts I was thinking of sharing a couple of quotes with you that I have heard in the last few days. They may not grab you like they did me but hey if nothing else you can whip it out at a party and sound smart. (course that is sortove like plagiarism...)

"Nothing is more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit." -J.K. Rowling.
I think of myself sometimes in that context but more than anyone else I think of Jesus.

And the next one, one of my co-workers said last night during a meeting with my boss and my bosses boss and my bosses bosses boss (and I happened to be there). He said and this is as close as I can get to remembering - "Trying to obtain unity with tolerance (of everything) leads to (and/or is) apathy and NOT love." many people do you think nowadays have such a skewed idea of what love really is? I think if they were to define it, it would in fact look a lot more like apathy than Corinthian type of love.
Bis spaeter!

Monday, October 10, 2005

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

I have gotten news directly and indirectly from the friends that I had in the danger zone. One had not made it in country yet, and the others house was shaken, but the entire team is in good health. Praise God they are all safe! One of them is traveling today to one of the hardest hit areas. There is great fear amongst the people...and this worker asks if you would intercede on their behalf with Isa. 41:10.
It is such a wierd thing..on one hand I just don't even want to think about the staggering number of lives that have been lost...forever, apart from Jesus. On the other I don't want to stop thinking about it, because this is a ear-splitting plea- that sounds louder than any "azaan"- to us all to pray on behalf of the people who survived but yet are still lost and still need the hope that only One can give. The phrase "a mighty fortress is our God" is running like a news ticker through my head. A fortress that no earthquake can shake.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Waiting Game

Not a game I am playing by choice. I am waiting to hear from friends I have in all the countries affected by the earthquake. Oi! Trusting..trusting..