Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My eyeball hurts

I haven't posted in so long that I thought for a second I had forgotten my blog password. Sorry bout that. Anywho, as per the title, my eye does hurt. Today I had to do something I haven't had to do since since I got here over a year ago..navigate a doctors office, in another language. I somehow (according the eye doctor) scratched my cornea in a few places. So no wearing contacts for a few days, and right now my eye is burning! I don't know if it is from the scratch or the medication he gave me, but my nose won't stop running either. grrrr. Is your eye supposed to be yellow? My glasses aren't so good looking, they are all scratched and banged up too, and I think the wrong prescription because if I wear them for too long I get headaches. Good times! I feel stupid for being vain about not wanting to wear my glasses outside, but if you could only see them, you might understand....